Re-domiciliation with Analogic Rights
Re-domiciliation: What is it?
Re-domiciliation, often known as migration, is the method by which a company shifts its domicile, or the location in which business is conducted, from one jurisdiction to another while keeping its legal identity
What benefits does
re-domiciliation offer?
Protection of the company's history and branding
Preserving current clientele and contracts
Maintaining your current legal status
Reputation and past record in banking remains
Corporate reorganization flexibility
Why would businesses relocate to the UAE?
The UAE is a recognized country
Decrease or removal of taxes paid on income, which leads to capital gain
100% repatriation of income
Whitelisted state for OECD and FATF
Evasion of double taxation
Favorable geographical location for business
Trustworthy judicial and legal systems that preserve international investment
Economic and political stability of the country
The infrastructure of international recognition and continuous growth